如何从macOS Catalina向iPhone添加自定义铃声
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An iPhone sitting on a MacBook keyboard

Creating your own iPhone ringtones isn’t as easy as it should be, but it’s still relatively straightforward. You can do it using the new Music app in macOS Catalina, which .

创建自己的iPhone铃声并不像应该的那么容易,但是它仍然相对简单。 您可以使用macOS Catalina中新的“音乐”应用来完成此任务,该应用 。

If you’re using a Windows PC or still rocking macOS Mojave or earlier, check out our .

如果您使用Windows PC或仍在摇动macOS Mojave或更早的版本,请查看我们的 。

您需要了解的有关创建铃声的知识 (What You Need to Know about Creating Ringtones)

We’ll be using the new Music app in macOS Catalina to create the ringtone, so the first thing to do is to make sure the song or audio clip you want to use is in your Music library. You cannot use DRM-protected files, nor can you use songs from Apple Music to create ringtones.

我们将在macOS Catalina中使用新的“音乐”应用程序来创建铃声,因此首先要做的是确保要使用的歌曲或音频片段在音乐库中。 您不能使用受DRM保护的文件,也不能使用Apple Music中的歌曲创建铃声。

We’re illustrating this process with an iPhone, but this process will work work the same with an iPad or iPod Touch.

我们将在iPhone上演示此过程,但此过程将在iPad或iPod Touch上工作。

You must have a DRM-free sound file that’s downloaded locally on your computer. This could be a song you’ve purchased from iTunes or an audio file you’ve downloaded elsewhere. Drag and drop the file into the Music app (or over the Music app icon in the dock) to import it into your library.

您必须有一个无DRM声音文件,该文件已在本地计算机上下载。 这可能是您从iTunes购买的歌曲,也可能是您从其他位置下载的音频文件。 将文件拖放到“音乐”应用程序中(或在扩展坞中的“音乐应用程序”图标上),以将其导入您的音乐库。

The maximum length for an iOS ringtone is 40 seconds, but the maximum length for an alarm or other audio alert is only 30 seconds. We recommend sticking to 30-second clips to maximize compatibility since you’ll likely answer the call long before the 40 seconds is up anyway.

iOS铃声的最大长度为40秒,但警报或其他音频警报的最大长度仅为30秒。 建议您坚持使用30秒的剪辑,以最大程度地提高兼容性,因为无论如何您都可能会在40秒结束之前很久就接听电话。

Finally, don’t worry about your original song being affected by this process. We will be trimming and converting a new copy of the song, and the original will not be affected at all provided you follow all of the steps below.

最后,不必担心您的原始歌曲会受到此过程的影响。 我们将修剪和转换歌曲的新副本,并且只要您按照以下所有步骤操作,原始歌曲将不会受到任何影响。

第一:创建铃声文件 (First: Create Your Ringtone File)

By now you should have a song or audio snippet in mind and have the DRM-free MP3 (or MP4, either works) in your Music library. First find the file either by searching or using the “Recently Added” shortcut if you manually imported.

到现在为止,您应该牢记歌曲或音频片段,并在音乐库中使用无DRM的MP3(或MP4,两种格式均可)。 首先,通过搜索或使用“最近添加的”快捷方式(如果您手动导入)找到文件。

Find Your Audio File in the Music Library

Now right-click on the song you would like to use and click “Get Info” and click on the “Options” tab. Now enter the 30-second period in the “Start” and “Stop” boxes. Tweak the start and stop points for your ringtone, but make sure it’s no longer than 30 seconds.

现在,右键单击您要使用的歌曲,然后单击“获取信息”,然后单击“选项”选项卡。 现在,在“开始”和“停止”框中输入30秒的时间。 调整铃声的起点和终点,但请确保其不超过30秒。

Set Start/Stop Points for your Audio File

At any point you can hit “OK” to save your changes, then click play to listen to your clip. When you’re happy with your work, click “OK” one last time. Now click on the song so that it is selected, and then click on File > Convert > Create AAC Version.

您可以随时单击“确定”以保存您的更改,然后单击“播放”以收听您的剪辑。 当您对工作感到满意时,请最后一次单击“确定”。 现在,单击该歌曲以将其选中,然后单击“文件”>“转换”>“创建AAC版本”。

Create an AAC Version of Your Audio Clip

Music will create a new version of your song with only a 30-second playtime. Once complete it will start playing in the background. In an album, it will be added directly below the original, with only the runtime differentiating the two versions.

音乐将以30秒的播放时间创建您歌曲的新版本。 完成后,它将开始在后台播放。 在专辑中,它将直接添加到原始专辑的下方,只有运行时才能区分这两个版本。

Important: After you’ve created your ringtone, it’s time to go back to the original song you used and delete those start and stop points. Find the original song (it will be the version that’s longer than 30 seconds), right-click, select “Get Info,” and then disable the “Start” and “Stop” checkboxes on the Options tab.

重要提示:制作完铃声后,该回到您使用的原始歌曲并删除这些起点和终点的时候了。 查找原始歌曲(该版本将超过30秒),右键单击,选择“获取信息”,然后在“选项”选项卡上禁用“开始”和“停止”复选框。

下一步:将铃声导出并传输到iPhone (Next: Export and Transfer the Ringtone to Your iPhone)

You can now export the 30-second clip you just made either by dragging the file to your desktop or right-clicking on it and choosing “Show in Finder.” Put the file somewhere safe so you don’t lose it. Now you need to convert it to M4R.

现在,您可以通过将文件拖到桌面或右键单击它并选择“在Finder中显示”来导出刚刚制作的30秒剪辑。 将文件放在安全的地方,以免丢失。 现在您需要将其转换为M4R。

This is a simple case of renaming the file and changing the file extension. iOS can only use .M4R files as ringtones, even though M4R and M4A are identical in the sense that they’re both AAC/MP4 encoded audio files.

这是重命名文件并更改文件扩展名的简单情况。 即使M4R和M4A都是AAC / MP4编码的音频文件,iOS也只能将.M4R文件用作铃声。

Convert M4A to M4R using Finder

Right-click on your M4A file and then click “Rename.” Tidy up the file name and change the file extension from “yourfile.M4A” to “yourfile.M4R” and, when prompted, choose “Use .m4r” in the dialog box that appears. We recommend creating a “Ringtones” folder in your Documents or Music to keep your M4R ringtone files, so everything is in one place.

右键单击您的M4A文件,然后单击“重命名”。 整理文件名,并将文件扩展名从“ yourfile.M4A”更改为“ yourfile.M4R”,并在出现提示时,在出现的对话框中选择“ Use .m4r”。 我们建议在“文档”或“音乐”中创建一个“铃声”文件夹,以保留M4R铃声文件,因此所有内容都放在一个位置。

Now sync the file to your iPhone. In macOS Catalina, this is as simple as connecting your iPhone via its included Lightning-to-USB cable, launching Finder, and then looking in the Finder sidebar under “Locations” for your iPhone. Click on your iPhone to launch the sync window, and then click “Trust” and enter your iPhone passcode if asked to do so. While you’re there, enable the “Manually Manage Music, Movies, and TV Shows” option on the General tab.

现在将文件同步到您的iPhone。 在macOS Catalina中,这很简单,只需通过其随附的Lightning-to-USB电缆连接iPhone,启动Finder,然后在iPhone的“位置”下的Finder侧栏中查找。 单击您的iPhone以启动同步窗口,然后单击“信任”并输入您的iPhone密码(如果需要)。 当您在那里时,启用“常规”选项卡上的“手动管理音乐,电影和电视节目”选项。

Finder iOS Sync Window

Now all you need to do is drag the .M4R file you just created and converted into the sync window. It will sync almost immediately since it is so small. If you have trouble doing this, you can also sync from within the Music app: Select the desired iPhone listed in the “Devices” section of the sidebar, drag the .M4R file we just created, and release it anywhere in the sync window.

现在,您只需拖动刚刚创建的.M4R文件并将其转换为同步窗口即可。 由于它很小,它将几乎立即同步。 如果您在执行此操作时遇到困难,也可以在“音乐”应用程序中进行同步:选择侧栏“设备”部分中列出的所需iPhone,拖动我们刚刚创建的.M4R文件,然后在同步窗口中的任何位置释放它。

Drag and Drop M4R File Into Finder's Sync Window

最后:使用您的自定义铃声,警报或警报 (Finally: Use Your Custom Ringtone, Alarm, or Alert)

If you did everything correctly, your ringtone is now waiting for you on your device. Head to Settings > Sound & Haptics > Ringtone. Your new custom tone will appear at the top of the list. If it doesn’t show up, try the sync process again. (We had to try twice, although we suspect the ringtone just took a little while to show up in this menu.)

如果您正确执行了所有操作,则您的铃声现在正在设备上等待您。 转到设置>声音和触觉>铃声。 您的新自定义提示音将出现在列表顶部。 如果未显示,请再次尝试同步过程。 (我们不得不尝试两次,尽管我们怀疑铃声仅花了一些时间才显示在此菜单中。)

Use Ringtone on Your iPhone

You can also launch Clock and create a new alarm with your ringtone, or use it as an alert for your timers. Apply a ringtone to a contact of your choice under Phone > Contacts. You could even create smaller alert sounds and replace the system defaults under Settings > Sound & Haptics if you want!

您也可以启动Clock并使用铃声创建新的闹钟,或将其用作计时器的警报。 在“电话”>“联系人”下,将铃声应用于您选择的联系人。 您甚至可以根据需要创建较小的警报声音,并在“设置”>“声音和触觉”下替换系统默认设置!

是否要删除自定义铃声? (Want to Delete a Custom Ringtone?)

iOS 13 makes it a lot easier to delete ringtones you no longer want. Now you can simply swipe right to left on a ringtone in the list to reveal the “Delete” option. Do this from the Settings > Sound & Haptics menu or anywhere you can select a custom ringtone.

iOS 13使删除不再需要的铃声变得更加容易。 现在,您只需在列表中的铃声上从右向左滑动即可显示“删除”选项。 从“设置”>“声音和触觉”菜单或您可以选择自定义铃声的任何位置执行此操作。

不要忘记禁用静音模式 (Don’t Forget to Disable Silent Mode)

If you want to enjoy your new ringtone, you’ll need to abandon silent mode first. And don’t forget that as much as you enjoy whatever song or audio clip you used, there’s a real person on the other end of the phone waiting to speak to you!

如果您想享受新的铃声,则需要先放弃静音模式。 而且,别忘了,只要您喜欢使用的歌曲或音频片段,电话的另一端就会有一个真实的人在与您说话!

iTunes Store Ringtones

Ultimately, this process is a lot more involved than it should be, but it works fairly well and it doesn’t cost a penny. If this all seems like too much work, you can always find ringtones for sale by launching the iTunes Store app on your iPhone and then tapping More > Tones to see them.

最终,这个过程比原本应该涉及的更多,但是它运作良好,而且一分钱也不花钱。 如果这一切似乎都太麻烦了,您始终可以通过在iPhone上启动iTunes Store应用程序,然后点击“更多”>“铃声”来查看待售的铃声。



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